Saturday, November 30, 2013


it's been a while.

my computer, which I bought right before starting my freshman year of college, is officially on it's way to donezo & mostly unusable. which makes blogging a tad difficult (not to mention that any time it does work, I sneak in an episode of Scandal on Netflix, which is my new obsession). but! a little instagram update for you of life lately, including: beach time with my babe, new favorite coffee shop, a day in San Clemente with my sisters + mama, farmers market & downtown SD exploring, little tidbits of our apartment, Christmas vintage, & just your average sunset. 

though living in a new city always has its challenges & hard times, i still look around me in awe and think "i can't believe i live here" almost every day. so cheers to living a life in awe!


  1. sounds that life is treating you well. have a great weekend!

  2. Happy I stumbled over! All these snapshots look so swell. Digging that teal skirt, if I do say so myself.


what's good?