Sunday, March 8, 2015

Eaton Canyon

Hiking along rushing water. What a novelty this has become. 
After being in southern california for a year and a half, we are two kids from washington who dearly miss water that is flowing; water that isn't stagnant and, generally speaking, water that exists and isn't the ocean. So this easy hike along a little river to a waterfall made us outlandishly happy. Eaton Canyon. just north of Pasadena, is that perfectly muddled mix of gold rock and dark green foliage that we've come to love, and the colors on this stormy bright afternoon were glowing. Being the amateur hikers we are, we stopped for breakfast tacos and coffee along the way, and brought some Stumptown cold brew with us. Instead of water. Because, like I said, we're professionals. 

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what's good?