Saturday, October 25, 2014

two years coasting // lost coast

driving to the lost coast was one of the most surreal parts of our trip down the coast. we'd left the northern redwoods that morning, not completely sure of our route, with just our campground on the ocean in mind. in true roadtrip fashion, we discovered halfway through that it would be an extra two hours of driving than I'd originally calculated, meaning we'd get to our campsite at dark. being the worrier I am, I promptly began to fret. BUT. also in true roadtrip fashion, the drive there became the best part and we hit the stunning green hills that preface the lost coast at the most amazing golden hour we'd ever seen.  the dark storm clouds clashed with the silky gold sunlight in the most gorgeous way, and we pulled off the curvy country road over, and  over again. the timing was impeccable, even finally coming out of the hills to blue ocean right at sunset. us silly humans and our schedules, we're no match for the beauty of the earth. 

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